
My Eyes Deceive

My Eyes Deceive

"My Eyes Deceive," developed by nouhidev, beckons daring souls into a first-person experience set in a shelter, where reality blurs and the mind becomes a treacherous labyrinth. With a 4.6/5 rating on

My Eyes Deceive: Unraveling the Shadows of Perception

In the dimly lit realm of psychological horror, a game emerges, pushing boundaries and challenging players to question their own perception. "My Eyes Deceive," developed by nouhidev, beckons daring souls into a first-person experience set in a shelter, where reality blurs and the mind becomes a treacherous labyrinth. With a 4.6/5 rating on, this indie masterpiece delves into the depths of disturbing topics, issuing a stern warning to those unprepared for the intensity it holds.

The Enigmatic Story:

"My Eyes Deceive" casts players into a week-long journey as a girl confined to a shelter, shielded from a world ravaged by a deadly disease. Her protector, a mysterious figure known as Papa, insists on daily doses of disease-preventive pills, leaving players to question the price of safety. As the narrative unfolds, a sinister undertone emerges, prompting contemplation on the nature of perception, self-blame, and the haunting question—can one be deceived by their own eyes?

Features that Haunt:

The game weaves a tapestry of darkness, gradually revealing its narrative as players navigate through the unsettling shelter. With each step, the story unfolds, and players are left to interpret the twisted events that transpire. "My Eyes Deceive" empowers players with the ability to shape the child's fate, offering multiple endings that reflect the consequences of their choices.

Navigating the Shadows:

As players immerse themselves in this psychological abyss, the controls become their lifeline. Navigating the dimly lit shelter requires the use of WASD, while the mouse grants the power to peer into the shadows. Interactions unfold with the press of the E key, and decisions are made with every subtle movement. The game demands attention to detail, with an average playtime of 45 minutes for those brave enough to traverse both endings.

Additional Warnings and Recommendations:

A chilling disclaimer accompanies the game, cautioning players about its sensitive and distressing subject matter, including elements that may be highly triggering. "My Eyes Deceive" is not to be taken lightly, and individuals who find such content disturbing or have experienced trauma related to these triggers are strongly advised against playing.


"My Eyes Deceive" is not merely a game; it is an exploration of the psyche, a journey into the depths of fear and deception. It challenges players to confront uncomfortable truths and grapple with the shadows lurking within their own minds. As you step into the shoes of the girl in the shelter, be prepared to question everything you see, for in this game, reality is a fragile construct, easily manipulated and distorted. Will you escape the confines of the shelter, or succumb to the darkness that lies within? The choice is yours, but beware, for in "My Eyes Deceive," the line between reality and illusion is as thin as a whisper in the dark.

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