
Reverse: 1999

Reverse: 1999

Reverse: 1999 emerges as a captivating 20th Century Time-Travel Strategic RPG. Developed by Bluepoch Co., Ltd., this game weaves an intricate tapestry of turn-based combat, mysterious arcs, and a cinematic adventure across the epochs.

"Reverse 1999: Unraveling the Threads of Time in a Strategic RPG Adventure"

In the realm of gaming, where pixels meet narratives, Reverse: 1999 emerges as a captivating 20th Century Time-Travel Strategic RPG. Developed by Bluepoch Co., Ltd., this game weaves an intricate tapestry of turn-based combat, mysterious arcs, and a cinematic adventure across the epochs. As we delve into the world of Reverse: 1999, let's unravel the layers of its gameplay, storyline, and unique features that set it apart.

Reverse: 1999, a brainchild of Bluepoch Co., Ltd., made its debut on October 26, 2023, sweeping players into a world where time itself becomes a chessboard. The narrative kicks off on the last day of 1999 when a peculiar "Storm" alters the course of history. As the Timekeeper, players embark on a journey through eras, accompanied by Sonetto, a powerful Arcanist from the Foundation.

The game offers stunning visuals that blend retro and modern aesthetics, creating a visual feast that encompasses Pop Art, classical oil painting, and various historical art styles. This unique approach provides players with a cinematic adventure across the 20th Century, from the Roaring '20s to the brink of the new millennium.

What adds to the immersive experience is the full English voice acting, featuring authentic accents ranging from British to Italian and French. The diverse cast of voice actors brings the characters to life, making the journey through time even more captivating.

The storyline unfolds as players encounter fantastic Arcanists, individuals once labeled as "mages," "wizards," and "freaks." Now, they coexist with regular humans, raising questions about their true nature. The game prompts players to weave arcane incantations, build strategic teams, and cast spells to secure victories, offering an exciting and engaging RPG experience.

Unique to Reverse: 1999 is the "island building" mode, allowing players to gain resources in an afk (away from keyboard) setting. The game introduces "The Theft of the Rimet Cup," a dramatic narrative filled with conspiracy, security scandals, and encounters both pleasant and unpleasant. The story takes unexpected turns, involving an unremarkable university student in London and the infamous Great Thief Acey.


Reverse 1999 takes gamers on a time-bending journey, blending strategic RPG elements with a captivating storyline. With its unique visual style, diverse characters, and immersive gameplay, it offers an experience that transcends conventional gaming norms. As players dive into the intricacies of time travel, they unravel the mysteries of the past and forge their path through a world turned upside down by the enigmatic "Storm" of 1999. Reverse: 1999 is not just a game; it's a captivating voyage through the annals of time.

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